Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Differences Between Spain and the US: Part I


In Spain:

-Facebook is used more often to communicate with friends

-This is probably due to the fact that unlimited texts plans are not common

-People use many more !!!! and ??? when texting or writing on Facebook walls

-Cell phone companies do not give upgrades every two years or with the signing of a new contact. Buying a new phone is a big deal

-I usually get news headlines through Facebook’s news feed and my friend's statuses. Such things as, finding out if the Chargers won, what celebrity has died recently, what the weather is like, etc.

-News about celebrities is much less prevalent. I usually have no idea what is happening, unlike the US where I am inundated with information

-The best time to talk to people at home is later in the evening, which can lead to very late nights

-There are many locutorios where you can use the Internet, or make cheap international phone calls

-Magazines are bought from newsstands, which are green and very easy to find

-Movies, unless they are a blockbuster like Harry Potter, come out a few months later

-There are many more films from other European countries

-Films can be VOS (original language) or dubbed in Spanish

-English books are not easily available and they are very expensive. They are bought from England (priced in the pound) then transferred to Europe and priced in the Euro, which increases the price. Then the Euro must be converted into dollars and the price is increased again. A Kindle comes in handy!

-In order to exchange money through banks, checks are not written. You give the person your complete bank account number and the money is taken out or transferred in

-It is necessary to carry change, as the 1 and 2 Euro coins are used often

Look for future editions on grocery shopping, my apartment, training and more.

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